
Carolina Marquez Bernard
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Forschungsprojekt «Ecologies of Matter»
Carolina Márquez Bernard studied Graphic Design and Visual Communication from 2012–2016, and Digital Editorials during Summer University in 2015 at BAU, College of Arts and Design Barcelona, Spain. In 2022 she completed her Master of Arts in Visual Communication at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). Her work focuses primarily on editorial design, photography, and cultural research. Márquez explores design from the theory and practice, expanding her knowledge and practice through multidisciplinary collaborations that propose new forms of human-environmental interaction. She is committed in a practical discussion of human and non-human interactions by the means of design, where she can reflect through her artistic practice on the preservation of cultural heritage and on the social and political implications of affective material, as well as on anthropological studies currently of relevance.