Seeing Volume 1
Seeing is a series of books that contemplates the peripheries of what we consider visually perceptible, comprehensible or expressible. If what we find here are images, then they are ones that attempt to elude our awareness. They may appear volatile, fleeting, impermeable, enigmatic, disquieting, inferior or irrelevant, and therefore we tend to spurn or disregard them. Each book in this series assembles contributions that navigate a constellation of related ideas, allowing a reciprocal meditation on and renewed attention to what usually remains hidden from our gaze.
Seeing Volume 1 deals with images of abjectness, horror and the otherworldly, and features essays and observations made by students of the MA in Visual Communication at Zurich University of the Arts in response to two seminars on Visual Culture taught by Björn Franke and Annamaria Vasvari. These responses are flanked by a short story by artist and filmmaker Noam Toran and an interview between designer Romy Strasser and Andreas Fischer, an expert on paranormal images.
The publication can be ordered for CHF 15 directly via